Bird Control Tips You Need

Keep Birds Away

While some birds are beautiful and entertaining to observe, others can be downright obnoxious and destructive. Although birds aren’t typically thought of as pests, they can become an issue if their nests block access to key areas of your home, they carry diseases that can be spread through their droppings, or they enter your attic or chimney. There are some bird prevention strategies you can use at home to help keep birds away, though professional bird control is always an option. Here are tips you can try to keep birds away:

Change their Habitats

Birds will be less likely to hang out in your yard if there is nothing to draw them in. The majority of birds need freshwater to survive. To prevent birds from drinking from your fountains and water features, replace the freshwater with saltwater. If you feed your pets outside, take away or cover the bowls as soon as they are finished using them.

Use a long stick to disassemble a bird’s nest if you see it being built. The bird will switch to a different nesting site after you do this a few times.

Use Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is one of the simplest and least expensive natural bird deterrents. You can use aluminum foil in a number of different ways to deter birds. If birds are disturbing your garden, you can put strips of aluminum foil around the plants they are bothering or under the dirt’s surface. Birds will avoid the foil because it feels unpleasant under their beaks.

Try Predator Decoys

You can buy one or more predator decoys at your neighborhood hardware store to try and scare birds away if they are a problem near your garden, swimming pool, or deck. The birds will see the plastic owl, rubber snake, or whatever other decoy you choose as they fly overhead and won’t land there.

Just be sure to rotate your decoys frequently to avoid the birds becoming accustomed to them and realizing they are fake.

The Pigeon Specialist Phx can provide bird control services in Phoenix, AZ. If you need any form of pest control services, call us at (602) 734-2437.

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