Why You Should Book a Pigeon Cleanup Service
The urban pigeon is offspring of the Rock Dove that was domesticated by people for food and as a pet years ago. But some of those domesticated pigeons managed to escape or got released and then became the pigeons we see today on the streets.
Even though pigeons are not scary and can even act friendly, they can also carry several diseases like cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis and psittacosis. But actually, the droppings of these birds are as much a concern as the pigeons themselves. Normally, a well-fed pigeon leaves 25 pounds of feces a year and they are not only unpleasant to look at, but they can also damage trees, vehicles, buildings, bushes, benches, lawns and fountains.
The pigeons have no natural enemies in the urban environment, so they reproduce quite quickly. But that growing pigeon population can lead to increasing the property damage and higher their diseases rates. And if a property accumulates a big amount of bird debris, it may attract rats, mice and flies which brings even more chances for people to catch dangerous diseases.
But what you can do to prevent yourself from illnesses? You need to avoid getting in contact with the birds’ debris while you are cleaning it up. That’s why it’s best to hire professional pigeon cleanup service provider that will make sure you, your family and pets stay healthy. The people from the company will have the needed equipment that includes long pants, eye protection, long-sleeved shirts, waterproof gloves, filter mask and closed-toe, waterproof shoes. Also, they will know what kind of products to use, so they don’t cause any more damage or discolor the sides of the building or the walkways.
So, if you live in Phoenix, AZ and you need to get rid of those birds’ debris, book The Pigeon Specialist Phx. You can contact us at (602) 734-2437.